Sunday, May 11, 2008

A New Era in Zach's Blogging

Inspired by both Laura and the shitty way MySpace handles new blog posts copied from Microsoft Word 2007, I've decided to retire posting my blogs there and hosting them on this blogspot account.

Why call it "Zach's Travels?" Well, the climax of the nearly 30-minute "Duke Suite" by Genesis is called "Duke's Travels," and I figure since I normally blog based on my life, the things I do, and where I go, "Zach's Travels" has a pretty cool ring to it. Chances are that's what I'll end up titling my book someday as well :D

I'll have a new post sometime this week (and no, I don't do them that regularly, usually life updates about once a month, and void fillers here and there). That's pretty much that. Good to move on to something new, after spending a year and eleven months (fine, two years) with blogs on MySpace.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm quite proud that I've inspired you to give up Myspace blogs =]

I love it so far and can't wait to read your next post!